Sunday, August 5, 2012

Things To Do Before Applying For Adsense Account

Author: Gagan Masoun
Things To Do Before Applying For Adsense AccountEvery blogger needs Google Adsense publisher account. Because last month I survey bloggers about the money making ways that they use for their blogs AdSense is the number one method for making money online. It is a fast and simple way for bloggers to display ads that are relevant to their blog content.
AdSense is a ‘contextual’ advertising program run by Google Inc.that allows publishers in the Google Network of content sites to serve automatic text, image, video, and rich media adverts that are targeted to site content and audience.

AdSense is how I earn around 65% of my income as a full time blogger and I would extremely recommend it as a way of monetizing a blog – especially for those just starting out.In Q1 2011, Google earned US$2.43 billion ($9.71 billion annualized), or 28% of total revenue, through Google AdSense.

The Perfect Way To Join Google Adsense and Start Earning Money

Making money with AdSense is easy, but when reviewing the applications Adsense team get, they've noticed a few common mistakes. If you want to get approved Adsense account the first time around, then please read following tips carefully.These tips will help you a lot for getting Google Adsense account.

Things To Do Before Applying For Adsense Account?

Website or Blog - Clean Design1. Website/Blog - If you want to participate in Google Adsense program, then you should have a blog or website.To display Google ads, you need administrative access to the blog or website you submit for AdSense in order to place JavaScript ad code on your blog.If you are new to blogging era and you don't have any money to purchase domain and hosting presently.Try free blogging platform provided by Google called blogger.

This is free service.You can setting up and publishing your own is very easy to use and their is a lot of features available for bloggers.You can upload your own XML template and you can customize the template also.There are many websites available which are providing free blogger templates. Blog design is also matter for Adsense approval.Make clean and beautiful blog.

2. Meta Tags - Traffic is the key to get success online. So, please before applying for Adsense get some traffic for your blog.You have to add meta tags (Title, Keywords, Description etc).If you have knowledge about it and you have done it already then leave this section.Others should add meta tags below <head> of your blog template.Check the code given below:
<meta content='YOUR BLOG TITLE' name='title'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription != &quot;&quot;'>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='description'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'><meta content='YOUR BLOG DESCRIPTION' name='description'/></b:if>
<meta content='KEYWORDS HERE' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='AUTHOR NAME' name='author'/>63 characters With Spaces
<meta content='INDEX,FOLLOW' name='robots'/>
<meta content='index, follow' name='googlebot'/>
<meta content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' http-equiv='content-type'/> 
  • Replace This With Your Blog Title (63 Characters With Spaces) - YOUR BLOG TITLE
  • Replace This With Your Blog Description (156 Characters With Spaces) -  YOUR BLOG DESCRIPTION
  • Replace This With Keywords [ Each One Separated By A Comma and 256 Characters With Spaces] - KEYWORDS HERE
  • Replace This With The Author Name : AUTHOR NAME 
3. Length Of Blog Post - Always try to make your blog post lengthy because generally the search engines like content at least 500-750 words long.When you are writing a blog post then always check grammar mistakes.

4. Blog Traffic - A better question that you should ask yourself is whether or not your blog has the right amount of traffic to start monetizing it with Adsense.As a result you should wait until you have 350 unique visitors per day. In fact, I suggest even more.

5. Useful Widgets - It is better if you are using some useful widgets on your blog.These widgets can help you to get Inorganic traffic that you get from social media websites like - Facebook, Twitter and Google+ etc.I am sharing some widgets below which you should try on your blog:
  • Subscription Box
  • Facebook Like Box
  • Social Sharing Buttons
  • Twitter Follower Button
  • Google+ Author Badge, Page Badge
6. Pages Required For Adsense - Many bloggers ask me,"What pages are required for Google Adsense?".The answer is About Us, Contact Us, Disclaimer and Privacy Policy pages are important.Get information about "How to make a privacy policy page?".If you don't have knowledge how to create disclaimer page then I have solution for this also just click here and create this page.

7. Apply With Your Owned Domain - You must have your own domain name when you apply for a GA. You have to change your web address into will get more benefits if you have your own domain.
  • Where I Can Purchase Domain? - There are so many popular websites available, which are providing domain,hosting services.Just go to websites and register your domain name.Popular websites name given below:
8. Google Webmaster Tools - To help Google to index all your web pages in your blog, you should add sitemaps for your blogger blogs.Here's the proper guide How to submit all your blog posts sitemap to Google webmaster tool.

9. Write Quality Content - Always write quality content on your blog and never pick content from other blogs, Because this is a not professional way of blogging even Google is not like this also.You should publish 50-60 posts on your blog before applying for GA account. If you apply with 3-4 posts only on your blog, then you will not get GA according to me.

10. Domain Age - Domain age also matter if you are think of applying for an Adsense account.According to Google policies, your domain name must be 6 months old.But, if you huge traffic on your blog and you are getting daily unique visitors from search engines then no need to wait for 6 month because Google will approve your Adsense account.

Note - Use a valid email address and name when applying for GA account. If you need any other information regarding Google Adsense please use comment box below.I' m happy to help you.
Author - Gagan Masoun is the owner of Blogs Daddy Blog.Gagan lives in India, has been blogging since 2010 and writing Blogs Daddy Blog since 2011.You can find him in the usual social networks.


  1. i hav applied to adsense for my blog saying that

    We did not approve your application for the reasons listed below.

    Site does not comply with Google policies

    what should i do???

    pls review my site and say the solution.


    1. Hello Prabkara,

      welcome again on blogs daddy.I checked your blog.As mentioned above Write Quality content, make your blog more attractive, use meta tags, Google accept SEO friendly blogs quickly... For Example:- you copied our post "NOW SMS/DAY LIMIT INCREASED FROM 5 TO 20 SMS/DAY......". It can harm your blog...So, always write your own content :)..

      Gagan Masoun

  2. My blog, it's 2 weeks old, I registered on Adsense, but they turned me down 2 times (unlike 4 of my friends, who were accepted by adsense from the first time). I deleted 4-5 posts that we're copied, and started to write on my own .. I increased traffic for about 70 to 120 views a day .. Any help please?

    1. Hello,

      120 views daily is less.... get more traffic and write original content, keep your blog clean.. it will help you to get GA :) Happy blogging

  3. please check and review my blog whether i can apply for GA after 1 month or not.

    1. Make Privacy page first and get some more traffic then you can apply for GA account.... All The Best @Hitesh

  4. i have gone through your is superb...congrats for winning from spice up your blog..i have a blog and i am running it-
    can you go through it and send me if any corrections have to be done? is my blog is eligible for adsense now as it is 3 months old..
    thank you in advance

    1. Hello Tec Kop,

      first of all thanks a lot for your wishes.Yes your blog is really good.It doesn't matter that your blog is 3 month old or not.If you need Adsense then read my post above and apply for Adsense if your blog in good standing.. Best of luck dear

    2. thanx for your reply..may i know that can you see any mistake in my blog and if use the wisdgets like the widgets i have is ther any problem for applying to adsense? i have a doubt about this.

    3. Bro, get some more traffic first, and try to make your posts more attractive and unique.then you can submit your blog for Adsense...

      Have u read adsense TOS??? if not then read carefully. :)

    4. i have gone through... can u please share how to get traffic easily...means how to promote my blog?

  5. Sir,
    How I improve my Blog Odia Entertainment ? and can get more traffic
    Please advice.

    1. Hello Pidgu,

      I gone through your blog.You need to add more content instead of writing 2 lines post.Because Google loves unique and useful long post (300-400 words). Keep in touch :)

  6. google has rejected my application can saying
    Insufficient content


    Further detail:

    Insufficient content: To be considered for AdSense, your site must contain
    enough text content for our specialists to review and for our crawlers to
    identify relevant ads to show on your pages. We recommend including more
    complete sentences and paragraphs on your site. We require websites to be
    fully launched and functioning, allowing users to navigate throughout your
    site with a menu, sitemap, or appropriate links. Once the majority of your
    site is complete and functional, we'll be happy to reconsider your

    can you pleas help me to get google ads , hw will i get it

    1. Insufficient content: Google needs more quality and traffic to approve your blog for Adsense account. Increase visits to your blog with more quality content... Best of luck

  7. can you review my site:
    Is it alright to apply for adsense...?
    thank you..
    I like your blog the name tells your work...

  8. sir i am bharath kumaran like your interactive commenT with us my blog is 10 month old please check my blog sir my blog apply to adsense or not

    1. Your blog needs on page seo, means meta tags, good keywords etc. get some traffic also.

  9. Sir
    This page really really very cool. Many of my doubts are now clear by going through this page and comments.

    1. Thanks a lot @ashok kumar bharti , Keep in touch with us for more tips and tricks..

  10. sir, i have a blog ,i also have ads on this blog from other advertising .my adsence request not accepted 3 times ,plz check my blog give me advice what to do for adsence approval.

    1. You are already using too many ads on your blog. Improve your blog design and get more visitors. then apply for GA. best wishes

  11. Hiii BlogsDaddy author..your blog is the father for blogs...its very good...
    Can you please check my blog is it ok for applying adsense? thank you in advance...

    1. You can try otherwise make any other blog with attractive template.

  12. And what about posts length and how many posts are OK? :)

    1. Hi Asma,

      you need to write minimum 500-600 words in single post. 20 well written articles are ok for applying Adsense. :)

  13. dear,i have a blog ,i applied for adsense but my account has been disapproved for Insufficient content, my disapprove email has been removed by me from my inbox,now i want to resubmit for adsense ,please tell me how i can resubmit for adsense acount,

    1. @Ahmed...Make new Email id and apply for Adsense account.. :)

  14. Can you please tell me ways i can get traffic to my blog?. I applied fo adsense and the said my blog doesn't meet the criteria. What should i do?

    1. Please write more worthy content for your readers. Use widgets and social sharing buttons in the proper way to get more visitors.

  15. hi blogsdaddy:)
    May i know how is my blog and its design ?
    Do you like it?
    thank you :)

    1. Hey Tec,

      Yeah, I like your blog's design.. :) God Bless

    2. thank you and latest updated widgets and multiplication tabel widget is going to be updated soon. :)

  16. Hello Abhishek,

    Quantity doesn't matter if you few quality posts. You write your own content with fresh ideas. Improve your blog's look before applying for Adsense.


  17. Replies
    1. You guys awesome, who inspired me to write more and more.. Always keep in touch always :)

  18. why dont yoy learn little bit about google adsense before applying for it.
    Take a look
    Something about Google Adsense

  19. Hey can u check my blog.. hows it?
    do i need any changes in my blog.. and how about the posts.. please let me know if my blog needs any changes to be made to apply for adsense...
    thanks in advance:)

    1. Brother, write long size posts, and do not provide illegal download links.Use some seo tips for well ranking.. :) best of luck

  20. Hi Gagan, really informative blog. I got what I was exactly looking for, I applied for adsense and got rejected, they say your application got rejected because of invalid activity.
    Is this because I fail to have majority of things mentioned above?
    I m from India.

    My blog fails to follow reasons-

    This is my blog-

    PS- I am subscribing your blog. :)

    1. Please follow above article... and complete all the steps.

  21. That is great to read a useful post, But I want to ask you and I am still confused. I have NEW website and has a lot of 3000 articles and Next day I saw that there are more traffic and every day ... Is that Ok to put my ads to new website which has more traffics (21554 page views ) ?

  22. Hey @blogsdaddy.
    I hav applied for adsense yesterday. They replied me "our specialists hav found that your blog doesnot meet our program criteria.we hav certain policies in place that we belive wil help ensure effectivenes of google ads for our publishers and advertisers." can u please help me in knowing the problem that made me disapproved from adsense..thank you-teckop

  23. Hi Gagan,

    This is Arafath, Today itself i came to found your website by means of bloggers profile. I really found many thing interesting in your website. I have a blog and i am looking forward to apply for adsense account in this month end. Can you please have a look at my blog and suggest me some thing to change or improve if necessary?

    Kindly read the blog at

    1. Hello Yasar,

      Your blog is really cool, but wait for some time and get some more traffic to ur blog.

    2. Hi Gagan,

      You know I really feel better that i got good appreciation for my new site from pro bloggers like you. Thanks for the response. Feel to keep in touch with you for gathering blogging tips from you. I will send you request in Gplus.

    3. Your welcome Yasar, feel free to ask any question related to blogging, seo adsense etc. :) thanks for following me on G+

    4. You are Great Gagan Masoun. You are help and answering everyone who question to you..... Great Blog and to Great Admin... Keep it Up

    5. Thanks Hamid bhai :), always keep in touch with us :), Your blog is also fantastic.......


  24. Hi..Gagan Bro....:)
    Your site is similar to You have a Great content
    Please do check my site
    And follow up me With ur Reveiws on my site

    1. Thanks a lot Abhi, Yes my blog is similar but not exactly. I will visit your blog also :)

  25. I think you are providing downloading for games. Its illegal work dear. try to do something different :) Respect GA policies.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Hi sir, can you check my website and tell how it is

    1. You should improve your blog rankings and traffic.

  28. Thnx for awsm article sir..
    my blog
    i apply for GA 1month ago but its gt rejected Issues:- Insufficient content.
    then i add jokes,shayari and story column in my blog
    I have a gud traffic source from facebook. But i have a humour blog with pictures & videos..
    how to get legally approved GA for a picture or video blog ?

  29. Hi Slim

    Thank you for write us. Google Adsense teams needs more traffic to blog and quality content. Check my latest post - Quality is most important for content that you're publishing.

    Gagan Masoun

  30. hello there. i have started blogging just 21 days ago. can u please review my website
    please contact me at
    i'm eagerly awaiting for reply
    thank you

    1. You need to wait for some time dear :)

    2. Sorry. I didn't mean applying for GA now. I'll apply next jan 2014 depending on the traffic. I needed a review and some suggestions that's all.
      Thank you....

  31. It is great to read your blog gagan sir. I just applied to adsense, the second mail from google wrote that -
    - Site does not comply with Google policies
    What is the solution for this problem. i already applied 3 times for adsense. this time i didn't implies any code to my site, while adsense partially complete review. was there necessary to imply any code to my site ? Please help me. My site is :

    1. Hi Chandra,

      Sorry for late reply. I have not seen your comment. Your website does not comply with Google policies means you are publishing illegal content on your website. So make changes and apply again.

  32. Dear Mr Gagan Masoun ,
    i wonder why this site can get approved by adsense, even don't have any article ?

    1. Sound files is your website content. That's Why Google Adsense approved your site.

      Many congratulations! Now, make your website more popular and earn more money :)

      Gagan Masoun

  33. Hi Mr Gagan Masoun,

    Please take a look at my website i have apply for google adsense pass to step 2 review, but 4 day untill now google reply that - Site does not comply with Google policies , so now i just add more page like Contact | FAQ | About | Privacy Policy. Will google accept my submit this time or not ?

    Thanks i'm waiting your reply.
